Collision Regulations ( C.R.C. , c. 1416)

means Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron (including Georgian Bay), Michigan and Superior, their connecting and tributary waters and the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers and their tributaries as far east as the lower exit of the St. Lambert Lock. ( bassin des Grands Lacs )

means the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities. ( AISM )

means a raft or vessel or any other floating object that is low in the water and is generally difficult to see. ( navire ou objet peu visible, partiellement submergé )

means a routing measure that is a designated area between the landward boundary of a traffic separation scheme and the adjacent coast that is intended for local traffic. ( zone de navigation côtière )

means the international nautical mile of 1 852 m. ( mille )

means the Minister of Transport. ( ministre )

means an urgent release by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to provide marine information. ( Avertissement de navigation )

means the monthly and annual publication by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to provide marine information. ( Avis aux navigateurs )

[Repealed, SOR/2023-105, s. 6]

means an ocean data acquisition system that consists of any object on or in the water and is designed to collect, store or transmit samples or data relating to the marine environment or the atmosphere or to the uses thereof. ( SADO )

means the International Maritime Organization. ( Organisation )

includes a boom. ( radeau )

means an area within which there are, at any point, one or two directions of traffic flow and that is delineated on two sides by separation lines, separation zones, natural obstacles or dashed tinted lines except that the continuity of such lines or zones may be interrupted where the route merges with, diverges from or crosses another route. ( route )

means any system of one or more routes or routing measures which systems may include traffic separation schemes, two-way routes, recommended tracks, areas to be avoided, inshore traffic zones, roundabouts, precautionary areas and deep water routes. ( système d’organisation du trafic )

means a provision in Schedule 1 under a heading that consists of the word “Rule” followed by a number. ( règle )

includes any aircraft designed to manoeuvre on the water. ( hydravion )

or means a zone or line separating routes in which vessels are proceeding in opposite or nearly opposite directions or separating a route from the adjacent inshore traffic zone. ( zone de séparation ou ligne de séparation )

means a route within which there is one direction of traffic flow. ( voie de circulation )

means a routing measure that provides for the separation of opposing streams of traffic by appropriate means and by the establishment of traffic lanes. ( dispositif de séparation du trafic )

means fishing by dragging through the water a dredge net or other fishing apparatus. ( chalutage )


2 No ship of any class shall navigate in any shipping safety control zone prescribed under subsection 11(1) of the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act unless the ship complies with these Regulations.

2.1 [Repealed, SOR/2008-272, s. 5]
