Novation and Change of Name

Novation and Change of Name Agreements, as outlined in FAR 42.12, describe the procedures necessary to request that the government recognize a name change or a successor in interest to a contract (Novation). If a GSA Schedule contractor legally changes their name, or the contractor’s assets are transferred to another entity, the contractor must notify the responsible government Contracting Officer immediately using the following procedures. A contract modification cannot be issued to recognize a Novation or Change-of-Name Agreement without submission of the required information.

Determining the agency responsible for executing your Novation or Change-of-Name:

  1. If the transferor has contracts (not task/purchase orders issued under the GSA Schedule) with other government agencies in addition to the GSA Schedule contract, the agency responsible for processing the Novation or Change-of-Name Agreement modification is the agency with the largest unsettled (unbilled plus billed but unpaid) dollar balance of contract obligations.
  1. If the largest unsettled dollar balance is from task/purchase orders utilizing a GSA Schedule contract, GSA is the agency responsible for processing the Novation or Change-of-Name Agreement modification.
  1. If the transferor has multiple GSA Schedule contracts, the Contracting Officer for the specific GSA Schedule contract with the largest unsettled task order dollar balance is the contracting officer responsible for processing the Novation or Change-of-Name Agreement modification.
  1. When a Novation or Change-of-Name Agreement has been processed by another government agency or a different GSA office and needs to be recognized for a GSA Schedule contract, submit the following: